Pro Board Up of Pasadena
PRO BOARD UP of Pasadena CA based glass company in Pasadena, CA specializes in replacing broken residential and commercial glass windows.
When you have a broken window emergency in Pasadena Area call us; we can repair it for you or even provide a temporary board-up.
When you have a broken window emergency in Pasadena Area call us; we can repair it for you or even provide a temporary board-up.
Call Us for a FREE QUOTE
- We provide 24-hour disaster assistance and emergency restoration & clean up services
- All team members are skilled and trained professionals
- We employ passionate people who have high integrity and live by the mantra of “doing the right thing — always”
- Our professional recovery team will help you throughout the claims process
- We minimize property loss by securing your damaged building
- Our crews are standing by to help you quickly
- We are licensed, bonded and insured

Contact Us
110 El nido ave #29
Pasadena, CA 91107
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Business Hours
24 Hours a Day
7 Days a Week
Services in Pasadena CA
24 Hour Emergency Services
Home Glass Repair
Window Replacement
Commercial Glass Repair
Window commercial Replacement
Residential Window Tinting
Window Tinting will help protect
Commercial windows tinting
Storefront Doors repair
All about Our Board up service company in Pasadena That We do since 2010 and take care our business:
- window boarding service, glass board up service, board up windows
- We do after hours board up service too around Pasadena and LA Area.
There are high -end quality service that need attention to detail, like emergency board up services near me or our service: 24 hour board up service
- 24 hour emergency board up service Our best service In Pasadena Call today to get the Offer!
- Here is where you can find an affordable board up service but not cheap, so call the expert
- We are the best board up service in this Area.
Proboardup Board Up & Glass 24 Hour
110 el nido ave #29 , Pasadena, CA 91107
(626) 415-0396

Benjamin de la cruz
15:17 16 Feb 20
This guy is punctual He said in one hour and arrived in one hour. He did a great service , board up and replaced my Windows, after my house was burgled.He also cleaned and finished his job.Thank you